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Huh? Film can also record sound?! Recording techniques you would never imagine!
You must know that film can record movie images. What about the sound of a movie? In fact, the sound is also recorded on film, and the way it is recorded and played is so clever that you will never imagine it. So, how do people record sound on film? And how do they play the sound on film? Let's go back to the early days of sound films to answer this question.
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【无损音乐是不是智商税?| Is Super Quality music an IQ tax?】ua-cam.com/video/-z_RHaJ72zE/v-deo.html
【为什么电车总是刹车失灵?| Why do EV brakes always fail?】ua-cam.com/video/40vjh2Jsemo/v-deo.html
【眼镜店真的暴利吗?丨Are optical shops really making huge profits?】ua-cam.com/video/WiCEfTKkIRE/v-deo.html
【10分钟带你彻底搞懂混动技术!丨10 minutes to help you thoroughly understand hybrid electric technology!】ua-cam.com/video/5tOwLlryaUU/v-deo.html
【视频画质全解析丨Full analysis of video quality】ua-cam.com/video/9IIAdstFGbc/v-deo.html
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#柴知道 #ChaiKnows #胶片 #电影 #声音
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10-Minute Guide To Getting Started With Funds
Переглядів 9 тис.14 днів тому
股票太复杂,理财收益少,基金似乎是普通人最简单便捷的投资方法。但当你入了这个坑,就会发现,投资第零课就是亏钱~虽然我们没有能力帮你在风云变幻的投资市场中,找到通向财富自由的道路,但可以来帮你厘清许多基本概念,比如,各种基金产品有什么区别?ETF、QDII、LOF、FOF 这些英文缩写都是什么意思?你买基金的钱,真的都只用来买基金了吗?为什么你买的基金在亏钱,但基金经理却赚得盆满钵满? Stocks are too complicated, and the returns from financial management are low. Funds seem to be the simplest and most convenient investment method for ordinary people. But when you enter this field, you ...
"How could I get shingles?!" The hidden danger in everyone's body broke out in her
Переглядів 19 тис.Місяць тому
清明节前夕,柴司的设计师六月姐姐突然手臂抽痛、长满水疱,疼痛感类似于脱臼、电击,每过几秒钟就抽一下,痛不欲生 去了医院发现,她得了“带状疱疹”。此时我们才知道,原来我们每个人的身体里,都有水痘-带状疱疹病毒。我们记录了她一个多月的真实经历,在科普的同时,也祝愿大家能逃过一劫~ On the eve of Qingming Festival, the designer of Chaiknows suddenly felt pain in her arm and blisters appeared on her arm. The pain was similar to dislocation and electric shock. She felt pain every few seconds and was in excruciating pain. She went to the h...
Medical insurance DRG reform is coming! Does it allow you to see a doctor with peace of mind?
Переглядів 8 тис.Місяць тому
你可能在一些地方看到过,说医保要改革了,偶尔还有一些“吐槽”的声音,但并不清楚医保到底会怎么改。实际上从今年开始,我国所有能住院的医院,都将实行 DRG 和 DIP 付费,这会影响整个医疗系统和我们的看病体验。DRG 和 DIP 什么?它们能让你少做点检查少花钱吗?为什么要推行改革?希望这支视频,能解答这些疑问~ You may have seen in some places that medical insurance will be reformed, and occasionally there are some "complaints", but it is not clear how medical insurance will be reformed. In fact, starting this year, all hospitals in my country th...
Why can't humans see the far side of the moon? Chang'e 6 satellites: Hee hee, I must see it~
Переглядів 15 тис.Місяць тому
月亮每隔27.3天,就绕地球公转一圈;但在地球上,你看到的却永远是月亮的同一个面。直到1959年,人类才从太空中首次看清了“月之暗面”的真容。为什么月亮总是以正面朝向地球?在探索月背的过程中,人类都做出了哪些努力? The moon orbits the earth every 27.3 days; but on the earth, you always see the same side of the moon. It was not until 1959 that humans saw the true face of the "far side of the moon" clearly from space for the first time. Why does the moon always face the earth? What efforts have humans...
Will society die again after death? Can you keep your secrets online?
Переглядів 21 тис.2 місяці тому
人终有一死。最开始,人们许愿希望死后家里人不要翻日记。过几年,人们许愿死后能一键格式化硬盘。而现在你要操心的是,你的聊天记录,浏览历史,在QQ 空间等地发过的疯、犯过的蠢、经历过的尴尬,还会被人翻箱倒柜,社死一次吗?去世之后,我们留在虚拟世界的帐号、财产,究竟要如何处理? All people are mortal. Initially, people made a wish that their family members would not read their diaries after death. In a few years, people will wish to be able to format their hard drives with one click after their death. Now what you have to worry about ...
How expensive is it to replace an electric car battery? Can a 6 or 7 year old battery still be used?
Переглядів 77 тис.2 місяці тому
很多人买电车,是因为“用电”成本低,图它便宜;但很多人不买电车,是因为“用电池”成本高,省下来的电费,最后全都得拿来换电池。电车换电池到底有多贵?开了6、7年,电池还能用吗?车厂的“免费电池换新”羊毛,到底有多难薅? Many people buy electric cars because the cost of electricity is low and they are cheap; but many people don't buy electric cars because the cost of batteries is high. All the electricity bills saved will have to be used to replace the batteries. How expensive is it to replace an electri...
What exactly is playing vinyl? Is the music on vinyl more special?
Переглядів 87 тис.2 місяці тому
在流媒体音乐成为主流的今天,为什么还会有人花上千,甚至上万元买唱片机听黑胶唱片?玩黑胶的人到底在玩什么?它真的像发烧友们说的那么神奇吗?这期视频,我们不光会讲解黑胶的原理,还扛着相机跑到了一位发烧友的家里,听听他的收藏,看看黑胶唱片还有哪些好玩儿的~ Today, when streaming music has become mainstream, why do people still spend thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan on record players to listen to vinyl records? What exactly is playing vinyl? Is it really as magical as enthusiasts say? In this video, we will not on...
Why has JPEG dominated the Internet for more than 30 years?
Переглядів 275 тис.4 місяці тому
30多年前,一个叫Joint Photographic Experts Group的组织,发布了一种图像压缩标准,能在不明显降低图像质量的基础上,将图像压缩至原始大小的10%,也就是今天的JPEG图像。作为第一个国际图像压缩标准,JPEG至今仍然经久不衰。它的原理有多巧妙?为什么能称霸互联网 30 多年? More than 30 years ago, an organization called Joint Photographic Experts Group released an image compression standard that can compress images to 10% of their original size without significantly reducing image quality, which is today's JPEG i...
How to correctly choose a good pair of glasses? I just realized that I never wore good glasses
Переглядів 24 тис.4 місяці тому
我去了几家眼镜店,试了好多镜框,花了上千块,但我配出来的眼镜,在专业人士看来却几乎是垃圾。你所经历的眼镜验配流程有哪些问题?怎么才能配出一副好眼镜?挑镜框时有哪些技巧?一副真正的好眼镜到底长什么样?为了把这一切搞清楚,我们来到了杭州,找到了《眼镜学》教材的编委,白嫖了两副眼镜,并沉浸式体验了最科学的配镜流程~ I visited several optical stores, tried on many frames and spent thousands of dollars, but the glasses I bought were almost junk in the eyes of the professionals. What problems have you encountered when trying on glasses? How can I get a goo...
The 10x optical zoom disappeared: Why did mobile phone telephoto develop in a "retrograde" manner?
Переглядів 40 тис.4 місяці тому
在前几年,手机厂商都在比拼谁能拍得更远,一台手机不配个 10 倍长焦都不好意思发布。但到了 2023 年,手机厂商们悄咪咪地“缩水”了,越来越多的新手机,都“缩水”到了3倍、5倍的小变焦。手机长焦为什么“倒退”了?它有哪些问题?为什么手机上的长焦画质拉胯? In the past few years, mobile phone manufacturers were competing to see who could shoot farther. A mobile phone that did not have a 10x telephoto was too embarrassed to release it. But by 2023, mobile phone manufacturers have quietly "shrunk", and more and more new mo...
Why is "intelligent driving" so confusing? Understand “intelligent driving” in 8 minutes!
Переглядів 22 тис.5 місяців тому
2023年的车圈,吵得最凶的概念,就是“智能驾驶”。有人说它是扯淡,有人说那是你不懂 但只要你稍微细琢磨,就会发现他们口中的“智能驾驶”,可能压根不是一回事儿~如今的“智能驾驶”到底是什么?有什么用?它和“自动驾驶”“无人驾驶”有什么关系?值得让你花钱解锁吗?为了回答这些问题,我们整理了16家新能源品牌的智驾方案,并制作了这期视频,用最简单清晰的方式和大家一起看看,如今的汽车行业究竟在卷什么~ In the automobile industry in 2023, the most controversial concept is "intelligent driving". Some people say it's nonsense, and some people say it's because you don't understand - but if you think a...
Why do the exterior walls of houses always bulge and peel off? Why can’t buy a decent facade?
Переглядів 37 тис.5 місяців тому
作为门面担当,小区外墙就像是人脸。不幸的是,即便房价再贵的小区,门面也有拉垮的时候,破破烂烂远看就像贴满了各种狗皮膏药,甚至还出现砸人、砸车的现象。小区外墙鼓包、掉皮,究竟是谁的锅?想买到一个体面的外墙,究竟有多难? As the facade, the exterior wall of the community is like a human face. Unfortunately, even in the most expensive residential areas, the facades are sometimes of low quality. From a distance, they look shabby and look like they are plastered with all kinds of dog-skin plasters. People an...
How to choose between ¥50 & ¥1000 spectacle lenses? Are domestic lenses worse than imported lenses?
Переглядів 123 тис.5 місяців тому
两块同样透明的眼镜片,差价几百上千,但对于普通消费者来说,选哪个基本完全靠店员推销。具体谁好谁坏,又能好多少,根本就说不清。50跟1000 的镜片到底有什么区别?国产镜片质量不行吗?看不见摸不着的“镀膜”要怎么选?为了把这些问题讲清楚,我们弄清了镜片的基础参数,整个镜片行业链的情况,还采访了眼视光学的专家~ The price difference between two pieces of the same transparent spectacle lenses is hundreds or even thousands, but for ordinary consumers, the choice of which one to choose basically depends entirely on the sales staff. No one can tell which...
Is Super Quality music an IQ tax? Is the music app really Super Quality?
Переглядів 97 тис.6 місяців тому
自从流量和硬盘越来越不值钱,音乐软件们就开始提供“无损音质”,甚至还有比无损更高的音质选项。不过,除了耗费更多流量外,你真的能听出它跟普通mp3的区别吗?无损音乐是不是智商税?为什么还有比无损更无损的音质选项?音乐app上的无损,真的是无损音质吗?为了解答这些问题,我们不光翻了资料,还采访了两位专业人士~ Since Mobile Data and HDD have become less and less valuable, music software has begun to provide "Super Quality", and there are even higher sound quality options than Super Quality. However, apart from consuming more data, can you really hear...
How to get rid of mites without spending money?
Переглядів 22 тис.6 місяців тому
How to get rid of mites without spending money?
Are the 246 "brake failures" in 8 years all the fault of the driver? Why do EV brakes always fail?
Переглядів 117 тис.6 місяців тому
Are the 246 "brake failures" in 8 years all the fault of the driver? Why do EV brakes always fail?
Are optical shops really making huge profits? What are the pitfalls when buying glasses?
Переглядів 122 тис.7 місяців тому
Are optical shops really making huge profits? What are the pitfalls when buying glasses?
Why do you need external devices to listen to music? Does it really make music sound better?
Переглядів 61 тис.7 місяців тому
Why do you need external devices to listen to music? Does it really make music sound better?
How many unspeakable secrets do mothers in menopause have? How to get along well with her?
Переглядів 9 тис.8 місяців тому
How many unspeakable secrets do mothers in menopause have? How to get along well with her?
Переглядів 13 тис.8 місяців тому
High-tech Internet ❌Advertising Company✅ How does the platform make money from advertising?
Переглядів 25 тис.8 місяців тому
High-tech Internet ❌Advertising Company✅ How does the platform make money from advertising?
How did e-sports enter the Asian Games? Is it still far from the Olympics?
Переглядів 13 тис.8 місяців тому
How did e-sports enter the Asian Games? Is it still far from the Olympics?
The official seal is easy to forge, is it possible to use fake official seal to break the contract?
Переглядів 12 тис.9 місяців тому
The official seal is easy to forge, is it possible to use fake official seal to break the contract?
A scientific buying guide for pesticides! It cost 150 cockroaches, fruit flies and 16 insecticides~
Переглядів 13 тис.9 місяців тому
A scientific buying guide for pesticides! It cost 150 cockroaches, fruit flies and 16 insecticides~
Переглядів 10 тис.9 місяців тому
10 minutes to help you thoroughly understand hybrid electric technology!
Переглядів 124 тис.10 місяців тому
10 minutes to help you thoroughly understand hybrid electric technology!
Переглядів 11 тис.10 місяців тому
60秒完成“微体检”,HUAWEI Watch 4 是怎么做到的?
Переглядів 6 тис.10 місяців тому
60秒完成“微体检”,HUAWEI Watch 4 是怎么做到的?
After losing weight to 20 kg, are anorexic patients not hungry? Do men also have eating disorders?
Переглядів 20 тис.10 місяців тому
After losing weight to 20 kg, are anorexic patients not hungry? Do men also have eating disorders?


  • @dt5101961Nelon
    @dt5101961Nelon 3 години тому

    辛普森殺妻案的例子舉得非常不好, 美國的法律是成文法和不成文法並實施,此案件本身就是有兩種解讀,最後的結果是陪審團決定的, 這不是法官故意實施程序正義的結果, 這個例子非常的糟

  • @BHTG778
    @BHTG778 8 годин тому

    天翼可玩可代 需要联系我

  • @yeyeni10
    @yeyeni10 9 годин тому


  • @sangsek5714
    @sangsek5714 15 годин тому

    听黑膠時在听什么? 播放的黑膠唱片是(女声)就是女声。男声的唱片不可能变成女声。播放音乐的唱片也了不能有人声出現,除非是錄音時己有。

  • @MarineKing039
    @MarineKing039 15 годин тому


  • @xianwenli9539
    @xianwenli9539 День тому


  • @jack-dd6ph
    @jack-dd6ph 2 дні тому


  • @ashbicol5270
    @ashbicol5270 2 дні тому


  • @michaelyan9621
    @michaelyan9621 2 дні тому

    有個國家最唔鍾意研發 最鍾意走捷徑 偷人技術 仲好意思話俾錢買外國牌子係比錢人哋研發 有本事自己生產質素好過外國平過外國

  • @lancercool1992
    @lancercool1992 2 дні тому


  • @2ndkingsissi
    @2ndkingsissi 2 дні тому


  • @DawnDarken
    @DawnDarken 2 дні тому


  • @dexterc7050
    @dexterc7050 3 дні тому


  • @user-xv3he3tu5h
    @user-xv3he3tu5h 3 дні тому


  • @wosoHo
    @wosoHo 4 дні тому


    @BULLSHXTYT 5 днів тому

    我自己擁有Sony WM1ZM2 + Sony MDR-z1r/Sennheiser HD800s/UE 18Pro/Shure 846,我去挑戰KKBox還有好幾個外國網站的無損音樂挑戰,我的結果是不論用什麼耳機也好都是幾乎全錯 但我肯定的是比較好的DAP/耳機聽到的音樂都比較好聽,這點我覺得是重點。

  • @fengchen4170
    @fengchen4170 5 днів тому


  • @user-mq9cl4ug2q
    @user-mq9cl4ug2q 6 днів тому

    2:57 准确说是 AM 或 FM,收音机上常见这种标记

  • @user-gc4mm8cm9s
    @user-gc4mm8cm9s 6 днів тому


  • @user-or7dg6vd8x
    @user-or7dg6vd8x 7 днів тому


  • @wuyou_
    @wuyou_ 7 днів тому


  • @alexma553
    @alexma553 7 днів тому


  • @victoriadelacroix8570
    @victoriadelacroix8570 7 днів тому


  • @user-bc6ek3gt2v
    @user-bc6ek3gt2v 7 днів тому

    看什么看 收看

  • @lovesgoodfood1491
    @lovesgoodfood1491 7 днів тому

    灭个马蜂窝 (Sarang tebuan)。第一次是叫民警(RELA)他们说忙,太多人找他们,然后叫消防局(Bomba)。反正不情不愿,两边推来推去。 晚上驶了一辆大消防车,来了七八个人。一个人喷杀虫剂、一个人照明,其他人看热闹。 完事后说晚餐还没吃、口渴,那么多兄弟。。。。给了一百元打发了他们!

  • @NMSL-si1cv
    @NMSL-si1cv 7 днів тому

    挑~~~!! 有錢玩火箭放煙花, 不如用來賠償武漢肺炎全世界損失啦! 有錢叫雞冇錢開飯!

  • @henryzhai1828
    @henryzhai1828 8 днів тому


  • @goobird1999
    @goobird1999 8 днів тому


  • @funvivi
    @funvivi 8 днів тому


  • @rosiechi5526
    @rosiechi5526 8 днів тому


  • @---siu4...
    @---siu4... 8 днів тому

    是誰教導大黃蜂建築的知識? 牠在築巢的時間簡直就像3D打印機

  • @user-ih7im2bg4k
    @user-ih7im2bg4k 8 днів тому


  • @lylechen8881
    @lylechen8881 9 днів тому


  • @ghtry5
    @ghtry5 9 днів тому

    4:41 番茄好單純可愛 是位傻白甜呢

  • @kyosukearashi3523
    @kyosukearashi3523 9 днів тому

    按照最後那法條 民眾抓個蚱蜢吃都犯法了?那之前疫情期間吃綠化帶是因為不算動物嗎?

  • @user-de1hj4cd7y
    @user-de1hj4cd7y 9 днів тому


  • @Slymitec
    @Slymitec 9 днів тому


  • @user-eo7bf4hc2w
    @user-eo7bf4hc2w 9 днів тому


  • @enzhus
    @enzhus 9 днів тому

    在知识的海洋里狗刨?还不如在马蜂的海洋里狂舞了 😂

  • @lai5478
    @lai5478 9 днів тому

    7.7K 次 1 個月前🤭🤭🤭

  • @stevenlee-hl3ny
    @stevenlee-hl3ny 10 днів тому


  • @user-pv5kt2lr4k
    @user-pv5kt2lr4k 10 днів тому


  • @user-ct9zm3pl4q
    @user-ct9zm3pl4q 10 днів тому

    A君的廿一到卅九,人生最有用的歲月, 投入兩個工作,如今都是消失的行業。 然後中年,躺平,還好先前努力有積蓄。 男怕入錯行,時代進步,可不保證友善。

  • @user-bd7lv6zb2u
    @user-bd7lv6zb2u 10 днів тому


  • @user-qq5fc3jd6n
    @user-qq5fc3jd6n 11 днів тому


  • @ws-jw1tv
    @ws-jw1tv 11 днів тому


  • @lingxueer96
    @lingxueer96 11 днів тому

    我有空气烤箱 烤炸鸡太干难吃就不做了😅😅

  • @jaiaan
    @jaiaan 11 днів тому


  • @flashthander
    @flashthander 11 днів тому


    • @kusogod
      @kusogod 11 днів тому


    • @ws-jw1tv
      @ws-jw1tv 11 днів тому


  • @BeatriceCastilioni
    @BeatriceCastilioni 11 днів тому
